Category: Spiritual

Bible Podcasts: Bible Podcasts Available Offline

We’ve significantly updated the Through the Word app, so download it now to start enjoying your content offline. Listen on a train, while driving, or without a data connection!

Designed with feedback from 1,000+ Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year listeners. It contains every episode of both podcasts, with easy-to-read transcripts and Foundations of Faith colour coding built in. For more Bible podcasts available offline, check this out!

The Bible Recap

Bible podcastsUnderstayou’reScripture can be challenging if you’re new to the Bible or have been reading it for years. And if you try to read it all at once, you might get overwhelmed or bored.

That’s where that ‘sible Recap comes in. Hosted by Tara-Leigh Cobble, this podcast and book helps you read, understand, and love Scripture. In this one-year chronological Bible reading plan, she highlights and summarises each day’s passage in an easy-to-understand way.

The Story Behind

Unlike other podcasts that talk through a Bible story or teach a specific passage, Tara-Leigh Cobble’s podCobble’ focuses on the Bible’s granBible’stive. She wants her listeners to stop viewing God as a to-do list or moral code and instead see him for who he is. To this end, she ends each episode with the ‘God Shot’, ‘which sums’ up what she believes to be the big message of that passage.

This episode explores the book of Joshua’s draJoshua’scount of the conquest of Canaan, uncovering profound themes such as God’s sovereignty and unrivalled power. Discover how you can find contentment, strength and hope amid your trials by looking to Christ.

The Bible Never Said That

In a world where promises of safety and stability never seem to come true, when trusted spiritual leaders turn out to be false, and when people are often hurt by those closest to them, many wonder if there is anything they can trust. Fortunately, the Bible is one of those things.

We know from the Bible that sin is horrific to God, and He wants us to be horrified by it as well—the Bible has such vivid, graphic descriptions of excellent and bad sins.

Our Bible app allows you to customise your reading experience with the ability to create bookmarks, save highlights, and share your favourite verses and notes. Easily carry God’s audible Word wherever you go, even without internet access.

The Bible Project

Founded by friends Jonathan Collins and Timothy Mackie, The Bible Project is about helping people read Scripture in the light of Jesus. It presents the Bible as a unified story, showing how the pieces fit together to point to Jesus.

Their videos are short visual explanations that are both engaging and insightful. One of my favourites is their series on Revelation, which examines how the book fits into its historical and canonical context, including a discussion of how it uses and reworks Old Testament imagery.

However, the team has been criticised for their portrayals of God’s wrath and their belief that the cross does not achieve propitiation. It may be something to watch out for when listening. The Bible Project app also offers a reading plan that helps you read through the entire Bible in a year.

Daily Hope

The Bible app from ChristianAudio is an excellent choice for people looking to listen to Scripture. They have a great library of Christian content, and you can choose from several reading voices. The free version of the app includes one reading voice, but the paid version has four options. For more Bible podcasts available offline, check this out!

The Daily Hope app is a simple way to get Pastor Rick’s daily message, dick’s versions of his popular small group studies, and more. It can help you learn, love, and live the Word of God.

In a time when podcasts are a dime a dozen, it’s refreshing to listen to one that teaches scripture. This Bible podcast takes a chapter-by-chapter approach to the Bible with commentary and reflection.